Lincoln's Ghost Walk: Legends & Lore | Springfield, Illinois | Visit Springfield

March 12, 2025 - October 25, 2025
7:30 pm

Old State Capitol Plaza
1 Old State Capitol Plaza Springfield, IL 62701




Lincoln's Ghost Walk: Legends & Lore! Join this 90-minute lantern lit 10-block walking tour that uses the Lincoln sites as the backdrop for strange and bizarre stories surrounding Lincoln’s life and his death!

Old Capitol Plaza - Learn about his final visit to his law office and his funeral in the old capitol.

Lincoln Home - Listen for the phantom carriage, and learn about Lincoln’s bizarre visions and dreams, Spiritualism, and Mary’s seances in the White House.

The Depot - Hear stories about Lincoln's funeral train and the ghostly Lincoln Special. Finish the night with tales of skullduggery at the tomb site!

This is a factual history tour, suitable for kids, not scary, bizarre & strange stories, w/c accessible.

Tuesday to Saturday nights

October, Friday & Saturday nights only
Time: 7:30pm